- The Beginning 2022 -

How We Will Grow!

Help us cultivate community! With your help, we will transform an underutilized 2.9-acre vacant lot into a dynamic space.

Together we will grow a healthy community food system that provides experiential education on agriculture and ecology, create healthy food access, and increase opportunities for more sustainable living.

This project is- a- work of volunteers under direction of the non-profit organization, Oak Hill Community Trust.

Monthly Meetings are held on the second Tuesday at 9:30 AM at Mary DeWees Park 200-218 N Gaines St, Oak Hill, FL 32759.

Please email: oakhillcommunitygarden@gmail.com to be added to the newsletter list or for more information.

Click here to find us on Facebook.

Celebrate Earth Month

April 6, 10am-2pm at the

Oak Hill Community Garden

Located at the corner of W. Halifax Ave and Flamingo Rd

Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education

about environmental issues, and this year and will

occur on Monday, April 22.

 Let’s start early finding out
about ways to care for our environment.

Raffle tickets for lots of garden baskets. Must be present to win!

Pack-a-“waste-free” lunch and join the picnic!

Lots Of 

Free Information Available

Information and demos in: